I have previously used hisat2 for mapping RNA seq reads but I now would like to try STAR as an alternative. Generating the index for the Arabidopsis genome wasn't a problem but when I use the command below for mapping of my single end reads, it appears that I only get the content of my fastq.bz2 file on standard output.
$ STAR --runThreadN 8 --genomeDir ~/exp_run/STAR --sjdbGTFfile ~/exp_run/Arabidopsis_thaliana/Ensembl/TAIR10/Annotation/Genes/genes.gtf --readFilesIn ~/Priming/data/Col0C1_R1_nonrRNA.fastq.bz2 --outFileNamePrefix Col0C1.star. --readFilesCommand bzcat --outStd SAM
This goes on for ever and I terminated the job after approximately 3hrs (hisat only takes about 15 mins to map the same fastq.bz2 file). Can anybody spot any problems in my command? Thanks
Left that bit out. Worked, thanks.
You can
the answer by using green check mark then.