"Invalid BAM file header: missing sequence name in file" when trying to visualise .bam file in IGV
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6.8 years ago
francois ▴ 90

I need help with visualising a .bam file.

So, what I did up to now was:

I had one .fastq of 3.9 MB file containing many reads generated by Metrichor (I am sequencing using the Nanopore MinION). I aligned the reads to a reference .fasta sequence using the package ngmlr. I got a .sam file of 4.3 MB. The command was:

ngmlr -t 4 -r ref.fasta -q reads.fastq -o test.sam -x ont

I converted this .sam file to a .bam file using samtools. I got a .bam file of 2 MB. The command I used was:

samtools view -bT ref.fasta test.sam > test.bam

I sorted the .bam file with samtools. The command was:

samtools sort test.bam > test_sorted.bam

I indexed the .bam file using samtools. I got a .bai file of the same name of 96 bytes. The command was:

 samtools index test_sorted.bam

Now I tried opening the .bam file in IGV_2.4.10. But I received the following error message:

Error loading BAM file: htsjdk.samtools.SAMFormatException: Invalid BAM file header: missing sequence name in file

What did I do wrong?

alignment bam igv • 6.2k views
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Ah that would have been great! But same problem... Any other ideas?

The first few lines of my .sam file (just before the conversion to .bam step) looks like that:

@HD VN:1.0 SO:unsorted

@SQ SN: LN:877

@PG ID:ngmlr PN:nextgenmap-lr VN:0.2.6 CL:ngmlr -t 4 -r ref.fasta -q reads.fastq -o align.sam -x ont

01c372ae-0d41-4ba4-bd0c-c56498801f53 4 * 0 0 * TGGGACGCTCGTTCAGTTA

Does that look OK to you?

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Ok so I tried adding something in the @SQ SN: header of the .sam file, as it seems like this is the "sequence name". But it does not look like the conversion to .bam worked fine. I have this message:

[W::sam_parse1] urecognized reference name; treated as unmapped

Exactly the same number of times as my number of aligned reads, which does not sound very good.

If I continue anyway with sorting and indexing, the error message from IGV is:

does not contain any sequence names which match the current genome.

File:      PRNP, # that's the name I added

Genome: chr1, chr2, chr3, chr4, ...

I also tried adding chr20 in the .sam file header, exact same.

So I guess the problem does come from there, but I am not sure how I should name the sequence... Also, to be clear, my reference sequence in .fasta I am aligning to is a very short sequence (around 1kb), not a full genome or anything. Is that OK to do?


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You should avoid manual tampering with bams.

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I also tried adding chr20 in the .sam file header, exact same.

This won't work, because each mapped read will still have a wrong chromosome name. But i wonder how chromosome names don't match, as apparently you used the same reference at all steps. Did you load the same reference genome on IGV before opening the bam file?

Also, what are the outputs of:

grep ">" reference.fasta | head


samtools view test.sam | head
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I created this reference myself, so it is whatever I called it:

grep ">" ref.fasta | head


After that, the .fasta reference line is just a one line sequence of ~ 1k characters in lower case.


samtools view align.sam | head

37d3e25f-875a-4cac-967a-b26d51342613 4 * 0 0 * * 0 0 CACGAAAAAAAA

And many many lines of alignments. It is not giving the header for some reason, is that what you expected? Just opening align.sam in a text editor, I can see the actual header, which looks like:

@HD VN:1.0 SO:unsorted @SQ SN: LN:877 @PG ID:ngmlr PN:nextgenmap-lr VN:0.2.6 CL:ngmlr -t 4 -r ref.fasta -q reads.fastq -o align.sam -x ont

(Notice that there is nothing after SN:).

Just so I summarise the sequence of commands I am doing right now:

  • ngmlr -t 4 -r ref.fasta -q reads.fastq -o align.sam -x ont
  • samtools view align.sam -o align.bam
  • samtools sort align.bam > sort.bam
  • samtools index sort.bam
  • Changing the reference genome in IGV with Genomes > Load genome from file. And I select ref.fasta.
  • Drag and drop sort.bam in IGV.
  • Error message: Error loading BAM file: htsjdk.samtools.SAMFormatException: Invalid BAM file header: missing sequence name in file

Does the name of the reference need to match something in the .sam file by any chance?

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6.8 years ago

You can simplify your commands substantially and avoid intermediate files:

zcat reads.fastq.gz | ngmlr --presets ont -t 8 -r genome.fa | samtools sort  -o alignment.bam -

Which should work okay in IGV.

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True. I don't really know how that would help solve my problem though, it is the same as running the commands sequentially.

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It's not the same as your commands, since you apparently messed with the header. Anyway, I use that command often and it works fine for me, also in igv.

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6.8 years ago
h.mon 35k

I believe you need samtools view -bhT ref.fasta test.sam > test.bam, otherwise the sam header is lost.

-h include header in SAM output

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You only need:

samtools view test.sam -o test.bam

(assuming a reasonably recent version of samtools)

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No, -b implies -h, so this cannot be the issue.


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