After denovo assembly, most algorithms (I am using Allpaths in this case) do scaffolding. This places contigs into scaffolds bridged by NNNNNN sequences.
I wanted to visually validate these bridges of NNNN sequences by mapping mate pairs back to the assemblies and checking the links. This is difficult to do because I have to manually search for these bridges.
Is there any tool, that provided a fasta file can annotate all "NNNNNN" regions into a bed file let's say? I am wondering if this can even be coded with perl simply.
perl one-liner to do this.
Hi there and thank you for the script. I have trouble getting it running. It says "
... , line 17 printrecord.id, match.start(), match.end(), sep='\t') ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I did run it with Python27 and Biopython on a Win10 computer. Any suggestions?
The script was written for Python 3. Either install Python 3 or try changing line 17 to :
Yes, sorry I did overlook that. However, I made it work with Python3 and changed the output to gff3 . In case someone needs this: