Hi everyone! I am trying to run MapSplice2 with paired-end RNA-Seq data to characterise circRNAs. I can get it to run but my output for circRNAs is empty.
Also, the website (http://www.netlab.uky.edu/p/bioinfo/MapSplice2) is down so I am unable to access the full manual.
Here's part of my PBS script:
module load python
for file in /srv/scratch/ID/Mouse_data/trimmomatic_results_unzipped/*R1_paired*; do r2=${file/R1_paired.fastq/R2_paired.fastq}; python /srv/scratch/ID/mapsplice2/MapSplice-v2.1.8/mapsplice.py -p 16 --gene-gtf /srv/scratch/ID/mouse_genome/test_index/Mus_musculus/UCSC/mm10/Annotation/Genes/genes.gtf -o /srv/scratch/ID/Mouse_data/mapsplice2_results/ --fusion --fusion-non-canonical --min-fusion-distance 200 -c /srv/scratch/ID/mouse_genome/test_index/Mus_musculus/UCSC/mm10/Sequence/Chromosomes/ -x /srv/scratch/ID/mouse_genome/test_index/Mus_musculus/UCSC/mm10/Sequence/BowtieIndex/ -1 $file -2 $r2; done
If anyone could help that would be much appreciated! Thanks.
Hi, Mapsplice2 site is working
I recently used Map-splice for my sample. If you have large data set you can simply put a for loop for that. Hope it will help you.
I can get it to run as a loop but no circRNA output is provided.
Just check your read length and other parameters.
I've tried numerous times. Do you have a copy of the full manual by any chance?
Sorry dear, I am also searching for user manual. I don't have.