I was wondering if anyone has successfully used Cufflinks in combination with an aligner from another source?
Since Bowtie doesn't make use of exon junction spanning reads I thought it would be a good idea to try an aligner or combination that considers spliced reads (e.g. RUM), but I am wondering if alignments generated in this way will be compatible with Cufflinks. Obviously the format will still be SAM/BAM but it is the nature of the spliced alignments whose compatibility I am questioning - not the file format.
EDIT: I guess I should ask specifically - does Cufflinks know how to interpret the junction spanning reads produced by the alternative aligner.
Thanks in advance.
more accurate? how so? you can change the parameters to fewer mismatches or whatever but bowtie won't do anything you don't ask it to.
So in this case, what would you say the advantage of using GEM instead of Tophat/Bowtie was?
GEM is faster and more accurate than bowtie.