I couldn't find the answer for this elsewhere on the forum. I have run .bam files (between 8 bg and 15 gb each, uploaded via FTP client) analysis with Cufflinks, using a genome reference (not as guide), and with the multi-read correct option selected. My first few analysis worked well. I then loaded another batch of .bam files, and perfomed the same operation. However, in these cases I obtained a error message:
**Traceback (most recent call last): File "/jetstream/scratch0/main/jobs/19873177/tool_files/cufflinks_wrapper.py", line 9, in <module>
from galaxy.datatypes.util.gff_util import parse_gff_attributes, gff_attributes_to_str File "/cvmfs/main.galaxyproject.org/galaxy/lib/galaxy/datatypes/util/gff_util.py", line 6, in <module>
from bx.intervals.io import GenomicInterval, GenomicIntervalReader, MissingFieldError, NiceReaderWrapper, ParseError ImportError: No module named bx.intervals.io**
I have tried running the jobs again, but got the same error message. I don't see what can be wrong, especially since I couldn't find a difference between the first and second batch of files.
If you need more details regarding this, just let me know. Any help would be very appreciated!
Many thanks,
Were you using a different Python version or virtual environment for the first batch? And did you change anything regarding the Python packages in between. It seems it cannot import a package.
Thanks for your answer, Gundor. I forgot to mention I was running this on Galaxy.org. I therefore did not change any Python version (at least no intentionally) nor the virtual environnement. I did not change anything regarding the Python packages in between either.