Hi All,
I have been working on targeted amplicon sequencing data (>200 samples). I use GATK for variant calling. So my question is, is there a parameter in variant calling where we can specify to not call variants if the reference allele frequency is say >0.8 than the alternate allele frequency?
I ask this because I am getting few SNPs which are called in >20 samples, one of which is pathogenic according to ClinVar but it does not get validated using Sanger sequencing. So I checked its allele frequency ratio and it shows that reference and alternate allele frequencies do not have much of a difference (eg. for a SNP at position 43082434 at chr17, the ref allele depth is 2716 while alternate allele depth is 1162 hence the frequencies are 0.7 and 0.29 respectively). I want to remove such calls from the variant calling.
Can anyone suggest something on this?
do you have all samples in one vcf or one vcf per sample?
In general for filtering vcf based on several criteria one can use bcftools view or SnpSift.
fin swimmer
I have one vcf per sample! Thanks I will try this!