How I can plot like below picture for my data?
y axis shows the read counts range from 0 to 10000 and x axis shows the number of cells in this range (I think cells have been ordered by falling for the expression of one gene in contrast to another one). For example likely 10 cells express this gene with 10000 read counts. So that there are two colour bars each colour for a gene.
> data
cells gene1 gene2
1 cell1 1040 138
2 cell2 1378 1444
3 cell3 49 49
4 cell4 1660 502
5 cell5 1920 57
6 cell6 85 52
7 cell7 230 212
8 cell8 5567 2147
9 cell9 124 305
10 cell10 117 167
11 cell11 78 538
12 cell12 1240 298
13 cell13 2374 3656
14 cell14 489 1547
15 cell15 1042 752
16 cell16 4648 181
17 cell17 3109 513
18 cell18 354 645
19 cell19 1106 639
20 cell20 1260 692
21 cell21 727 1249
22 cell22 1510 3997
23 cell23 1 1159
24 cell24 43 147
25 cell25 226 356
26 cell26 3183 1089
27 cell27 397 286
28 cell28 1089 593
29 cell29 497 1055
30 cell30 531 18
31 cell31 1924 1088
32 cell32 58 232
It is not clear what you would like to see in the plot. Do you want to plot the values as such or break down the cells into ranges, then plot ? (as you have used range in OP). If it is range, how would you sum/average the expression of genes? Please add more details to the post.
see if this is what you are looking for:![Rplot01](https://preview.ibb.co/fBQU78/Rplot01.png)
Since grouping information and average/sum per group is not provided individual cell values are plotted
Thanks a lot, I would like to order my 209 cells based on falling expression of each gene separately. I think you plotted the right thing but please order cells for one gene. I think another plot with ordered cells in x axis is needed for another gene.
You should paste your tabular data in a GitHub Gist and add the link here, or post your data in a code segment here. I've also changed your post so the image is displayed in your post.