I would like to construct the multiple sequence alignment from the pairwise one. do one have any nice source code that do this..
I would like to construct the multiple sequence alignment from the pairwise one. do one have any nice source code that do this..
Cedric Notredame's T-Coffee can do that. In fact that's how it works: it builds pairwise alignments of all possible pairs (you can also use only a few or many alternative ones) and turns them into a so-called library. That gets checked for consistency, extended through triplet comparisons etc. and from there a multiple alignment is build.
The procedure to use your own pairwise alignments as input should be described in the T-Coffee manual
You don't have to write any code. T-Coffee has the capability to use your pairwise alignments as such. You just have to use the correct commandline. See section "Q: I want to build my own libraries." on http://www.tcoffee.org/Documentation/t_coffee/t_coffee_tutorial.htm
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I think you misunderstand the purpose of flagging messages as requiring moderator attention. So far you have tagged both of your own questions. It is not meant to try to get our attention to your your questions. It is meant to point out to us if there are serious problems with content posted by others.
You're going to have to be more specific about what you're trying to accomplish if you hope to receive help. Please edit your question to add more details, otherwise, it's likely to be deleted.
I m sorry for that tag..I misunderstand the function to used it.