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6.4 years ago
This is what I have done:
esearch -db pubmed -query "lycopene cyclase" | efetch -format abstract
I was struck by this error:
500 Can't connect to eutils.be-md.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:443 (certificate verify failed)
No do_post output returned from 'https://eutils.be-md.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=pubmed&query_key=1&WebEnv=NCID_1_67454450_130.14.18.34_9001_1529992046_810451412_0MetA0_S_MegaStore&rettype=abstract&retmode=text&retstart=0&retmax=100&edirect_os=linux&edirect=9.20&tool=edirect&email=zorn@ubuntu'
Result of do_post http request is
$VAR1 = bless( {
'_content' => 'Can\'t connect to eutils.be-md.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:443 (certificate verify failed)
LWP::Protocol::https::Socket: SSL connect attempt failed with unknown errorerror:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed at /usr/share/perl5/LWP/Protocol/http.pm line 51, <STDIN> line 7.
'_rc' => 500,
'_headers' => bless( {
'client-warning' => 'Internal response',
'client-date' => 'Tue, 26 Jun 2018 05:47:26 GMT',
'content-type' => 'text/plain'
}, 'HTTP::Headers' ),
'_msg' => 'Can\'t connect to eutils.be-md.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:443 (certificate verify failed)',
'_request' => bless( {
'_content' => 'db=pubmed&query_key=1&WebEnv=NCID_1_67454450_130.14.18.34_9001_1529992046_810451412_0MetA0_S_MegaStore&rettype=abstract&retmode=text&retstart=0&retmax=100&edirect_os=linux&edirect=9.20&tool=edirect&email=zorn@ubuntu',
'_uri' => bless( do{\(my $o = 'https://eutils.be-md.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi')}, 'URI::https' ),
'_headers' => bless( {
'user-agent' => 'libwww-perl/6.03',
'content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
}, 'HTTP::Headers' ),
'_method' => 'POST'
}, 'HTTP::Request' )
}, 'HTTP::Response' );
works here. Just a temporary problem?
fin swimmer
I have try many times. T_T
Works here too. From where did you try this?
network failure? I work in China.
You should ensure that you're using the most recent version of the eutils. Do you get the same error when you try searching against any other databases?
The same error when I try SRA database
This could be related to some local firewall restrictions (which you may have no control over). Perhaps you could talk with your network people. eUtils are working as expected.
Thanks. I will change networks and try again.