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6.7 years ago
Hi, I'm trying to design primers for the most conservative region of my sequenced samples of CMV3. I would like design them according with my bowtie2 results (BAM File), which I got with my NGS data. What program do I must to use for my goal?
I'd appreciate any piece of information on this issue, thanks!!!!
yes, I am using this right now, but I would like to visualize them in my mapping view which I got in bowtie2
So is your question more about trying to identify these "most conserved regions" in your BAM file?
That’s not what bowtie2 is for...
apl00028 : You could use IGV with your alignments and the primers in a BED format file, if you want to view those together (after designing them with primer-blast as suggested).
Finally I got the consensus sequence all my sequences and I found the primers in NCBI. I did not attempt import them to IGV in BED format because with the tool, find a motive, of IGV is enough to visualize them. Thanks for the answers.