Hello! I loaded my gene(/transcript) count matrix and labels into DESeq2:
> countData <- as.matrix(read.csv(file.choose(), row.names = "gene_id"))
> colData <- read.table(text = readLines(file.choose(), warn = FALSE), header = TRUE, sep = "," )
But when I check that all sample IDs in colData are also in CountData and match their orders, I obtain the following:
> all(rownames(colData) %in% colnames(countData))
It then checked to see how my gene_count_matrix.csv looks like and the column has MSTRG as the gene ID and it does not match the ID names found in phenotype_data.
I was wondering how do I make them both match so that I am able to generate a DESeqDataSet? My phenotype_data looks just like the data found in the nature paper
and I followed exactly the protocol for Using StringTie with DESeq2.
Please post the first line of
and the contents ofcolData
You only have 2 samples?
hello! I was able to resolve the issue by fixing how the colData is arranged. Thanks for the help nevertheless.
Hi catglen012, could you mention what exactly you did to the colData to fix it? I have the same issue