I'm trying to normalize some data gotten from GEO with the R affy package but some of the CEL files don't make ReadAffy happy:
"Cel file cels/GSM362260.CEL.gz does not seem to have the correct dimensions"
while others are ok. I googled around and I saw that they could just be truncated files (but read.table on those files does not complain) or CEL that uses different CDFs, but that is not the case. What could be the problem? Moreover is it possible to automagically exclude these files, ie trying to add them one by one to an AffyBatch object (sorry for the lame question, just point me to the right documentation, I'm new to affy and even to R)?
It might not be straightforward to implement code that detects which ones are the "wrong" ones when there are no "wrong" ones, only a mix of different CELs (your "wrong" ones might be someone else's "right" ones). Explicit is better than implicit and the function expects an homogeneous set of CEL files and checks for this.