Hey guys, I was using qualimap to estimate the features of a .bam file. I input the .bam file and it reported like this:
Failed to run bamqc java.lang.RuntimeException: The alignment file is unsorted. Please sort the BAM file by coordinate.
My raw data are hiseq 2000 100bp x 2 short reads, I thought I could only sort them by using "-n" parameter. So I sorted them by samtools sort -l 9 -o output -n -@ 40 input
Then I used qualimap like this qualimap --java-mem-size=700G bamqc -bam .mem.srt.bam -gff <dirpath/.gff> -oc .count.matrix -outdir </bamqc> -outformat PDF:HTML
Is my code wrong? how should I fix it please? Thank you.
And what about non-guys? Please use neutral words :)
okay, thanks for reminding :P