Hi everyone, I am new to NGS data analysis. I have got RNAseq data of read length 50, and single end, which I need to do resequence with the reference genome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. first thing I did is, I ran Rockhopper, which gave me transcripts.txt and operon.txt files. Now I want to do resequencing using following workflow : Alignment (by bowtie)--> Cufflinks --> Cuffmerge --> Cuffdiff. I am stuck in cufflinks step where I need to give the normalization method, which according to me should be RPKM, but in the help manual it is showing that it supports classic FPKM. Please help me with the command line and further steps...
Thanks for swift reply, but my strain is H37Rv. will it be good to go with featureCounts?
The strain is irrelevant.