Hello guys,
Here's for the (probably) dumb question of the day, but I can't seem to find fitting solutions in a reasonable amount of time, so I might be missing something here.
I have an mRNA multifasta and a protein multifasta (IDs are correspondent between the two). What I'm after, is to get the CDS sequences from the mRNA file, using the proteins as model for that. Or any other way to get the CDS sequences from those mRNAs. I do not have genome coordinates or any type of GFF file.
Any easy way that you might know?
You can try blastx (with the protein fasta as db), I assume your mRNA sequences are without introns?
Yes they are intronless!
BLASTX should do the trick but not sure if you would be able to extract the exact coding sequences using it, however, you can certainly use the coordinates.