how to calculate the scores without using references alignment or structure? anyone have the good function to do that??
that mean:
I generate many RNA alignments in each iterative for the same family to find the optimal one using optimization algorithm:
in the algorithm it depend on objective function(score1) to find the best alignment
alignmt1 score1 score2
Alignmt2 score1 score2
Alignmt3 score1 score2
Alignmt4 score1 score2
Alignmt5 score1 score2
score1 is the objective function without using references,or structure like using the(Sum-of-pairs,NorMD)
score2 is the qulatiy of the aligment with refernces like using the(Qscore)
in my optimization program it depend on the score1 function to select the best alignment
I assume there is correlation between score1 and score2???
I want to know if the MSA actually better fits the reality or not and it should be correlation there between score1 and score2. Am I right or not? if not what I should used as objective function which can fits the reality, then the MSA can fits the reality?
I think you need to explain better what you have done and what you are trying to do. I am at least unable to decipher it from what you have written.
please any one can answer me
I am asking if there is a correlation between score1 and score2? which score1 is objective function like sum-of-pairs or norMD and score2 is to measure the alignmnet quality like Qscore, SPS,TC.