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6.4 years ago
Dear Biostars
I have two files and I want compare file 1 with column 4 of file 2 and print matched line file2 to file3. but I want keep the header line of file2 , so is it a correct code :
cat <(head -n 1 file2) <(awk -F '\t' 'NR==FNR{a[$1]++;next} (a[$4])' file 1 file 2)> file3
File 2
#rs alleles chrom pos strand assembly center protLSID assayLSID panelLSID QCcode A.02 A.18 A.25 A.27 A.30 A.31 A.36 A.38 A.43 A.47 AA.01 AA.02 AA.18 AA.21 AA.22 AA.23 AA.25 AA.27 AA.30 AA.31 AA.35 AA.363 AA.365 AA.366 AA.368 AA.37 AA.39 AA.45 AA.46 AA.47 MB.401.2 MB.401
Chr01_9671 C/T Chr01 9671 + NA GBS-SNP-CROP GBS RefName Custom QC+ Y C Y Y Y T Y T C Y T Y Y Y N Y Y T Y C T Y Y C C T Y Y C Y Y Y
Chr01_10594 A/T Chr01 10594 + NA GBS-SNP-CROP GBS RefName Custom QC+ W W W W W A W A T W A W W W W W W A W T A W W T T A W W T W W W
Please, care about the misspelling in your post and title.
Well, execute what you wrote. If it's not what you were expected, post what you want to obtain and we'll try to help you
sort your files and use join: https://linux.die.net/man/1/join
Your command line is actually working great on my machine
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