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11.7 years ago
I have human paired end Illumina genome data. I wish to analyse the CNVs. I used FREEC software to detect the CNV and now I have an output which looks like this
1 1280000 1290000 6 gain
1 1280000 1290000 6 gain
2 53570000 53580000 4 gain
4 190470000 190680000 7 gain
5 5230000 5370000 3 gain
How can I analyse the CNVs further ? Is there any way I can annotate these CNVs ?
Thank you.
what do you want to annotate them with?
mainly the genes affected and its function
I suggest using AnnotSV for CNV annotation (with OMIM, DGV, 1000g, haploinsufficiency, TAD, ... and also with your own in-house information) .
You can look at this post describing the annotSV tool: Annotation for SV and CNV