there is a paper where the writer claims that they have implemented "Median", "Quantile", "TMM" and "Total" normalization methods in their R package. But I don't find their normalization methods similar to those being referenced. For example, the library size estimation in "Median" normalization in their package takes the form
while in the reference the method takes this form:
These two normalization methods are different. But they are both known as Median normalization methods and the first one is referenced to the second one. How do you distinguish them when someone says they have used Median normalization? The same thing is about the other normalization methods too.
hougiotaejut : Please follow directions in this post to post your images so they are rendered inline. How to add images to a Biostars post
Thank you. Yeah I was trying to fix it when I saw they weren't shown.
I just did that for you. but you should pay attention to what genomax said.
Thanks a lot. I was trying to fix it then I saw you did the favor to me.