I have run ABySS (abyss-pe) command to assemble a de novo genome. I got only unitigs.fa file and not a contig.fa file. Is it normal? Thank you
commad: abyss-pe k=30 name=AA lib='MI.M03992_0274.001.BioOHT_59.AA_R2_Q20HL50 MI.M03992_0274.001.BioOHT_11.AA_R1_Q20HL50' \ MI.M03992_0274.001.BioOHT_11.AA_R1_Q20HL50='MI.M03992_0274.001.BioOHT_11.AA_R1_Q20HL50_R1.fq MI.M03992_0274.001.BioOHT_11.AA_R1_Q20HL50_R2.fq' MI.M03992_0274.001.BioOHT_59.AA_R2_Q20HL50='MI.M03992_0274.001.BioOHT_59.AA_R2_Q20HL50_R1.fq MI.M03992_0274.001.BioOHT_59.AA_R2_Q20HL50_R2.fq' \ se='MI.M03992_0274.001.BioOHT_11.AA_R1_Q20HL50_single.fq MI.M03992_0274.001.BioOHT_59.AA_R2_Q20HL50_single.fq'
Thanks for your reply! I found it... That happens when something goes wrong during the assembly. Indeed, i got a error warning during the assembly.
I re-run my command fixing the mistake and it worked perfectly! Thank you!
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