To cluster matirxmy, for this to see which colnames can divided into groups.
d <- dist(matirxmy, method = "euclidean") #dim(matixmy) 232, 121
hc <- hclust(d)
Also, it can be plot like the first figure My question is for tree like figure shows, the accurate names from Left to Right (or R to L) can be showed on figure, but how can I get these names or this new sorted matrix based my cluster result to operate on server?
if I use
g <- cutree(hc, k=6) #4,5
Here can get 6 submatrix based on result of clusters. For me, I just know to extract submatrix by data[which(g==1), ][which(g==6), ]. I tried let k=232,but not the expected result.
Yes, I know the feeling. A useful tip for these things: You can see the structure of a R object with the str command. So, if you run str(hc), you can see all information stored in the hc object, one of which is the order from left-to-right of the dendrogram.
See: How to add images to a Biostars post - you'll need the image URL, not the google referrer URL with the search result page.
Here, the image URL is
And you'll use the image option on the toolbar, not the external link option. Once done, it should look like this:
I've deliberately made the above image small so it is not usable. You can follow my lead (and my how-to post above) and make it any size you want to.
I see, very clear! Thanks!