We are running an edgeR script in the classic mode i.e. without the design matrix. The thing is we get the result of the edgeR but we are unable to identify to which genes which FDR or Log FC etc belongs. The output looks something like what I have attached below. Please elaborate on how can we call out for the Geneid column in the output as well. Attached is my CSV output file. I'm not sure what the first column is, but I'm assuming it is the row number. Thank you in advance
Comparison of groups: CPeM-CPeC
logFC logCPM PValue FDR
48178 9.2968063 8.7531497859 1.339698e-88 7.015328e-84
50934 -8.8743164 9.2802946181 4.600196e-84 1.204446e-79
45623 -9.0342436 7.9331539929 6.593547e-80 1.150904e-75
49291 8.5775628 7.0893005292 8.493058e-78 1.111848e-73
37120 -7.9915437 6.7177772577 8.642303e-74 9.051084e-70
45475 -7.7424580 7.6449239664 5.610419e-73 4.896493e-69
32316 7.0196112 7.8150257401 2.529690e-64 1.892389e-60
32293 7.0582453 6.3341181139 1.568164e-62 1.026462e-58
40924 -7.3083772 7.9254370926 7.675463e-60 4.465840e
Please add the code you used to generate this result.
You'll need to annotate your genes first. Make rownames your unique IDs before the edgeR fit. How does your count matrix looks like? Give more code and/or examples of how your data looks like.