I am analyzing rice samples for SNP detection using GATK, and for the base recalibration, I need a set of known sites for rice. For human that is usually dbsnp141.vcf available at the DBSNP ftp site (for human): ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/snp/organisms/
I was wondering if I could the VCF files for rice (rice_4530 in the same list, Oryza Sativa, which is the rice species that I am analyzing)
Can I use the VCF file in the link above as the know sites (or gold standards)? Are there additional VCFs out there that I can use?
This should work and should be good enough. Base recalibration is not going to bring any drastic difference in the results unless your sequencing data is real bad.
This link does not contain anything.
Where can I find known rice snps (indica and japonica, both)