The samtools "view" option now has a -F argument that reports reads aligned to entries in a BED file. For eaxmple:
samtools view -F genes.bed aln.bam
However, to my knowledge, it will not report the alignment coverage across the BED entries. BEDTools has a utility called "coverageBed" that will do this. For example:
coverageBed -abam aln.bam -b exons.bed > exons.bed.coverage
You can combine samtools and bedtools if you want to only count certain types of reads. For example, only counting "proper pairs" with a mapping quality >=30:
samtools view -u -q 30 -f 0x2 aln.bam | \
coverageBed -abam stdin -b exons.bed \
> exons.bed.proper.q30.coverage
Also, this has been asked in many different ways before. See these threads for other options:
Lastly, as you are using RNAseq, you likely will have "spliced" alignments and on;y want to count coverage at exons. In this case, use the "-split" option in coverageBed.
coverageBed -split -abam aln.bam -b exons.bed > exons.bed.split.coverage
Thanks for your answer, BEDtools is a very useful package! However, I can not use the tool coverageBED because it is not counting twice the positions that are covered by two reads and I need these information in order to have an idea of the level of expression of each exon. It's a pity, I thought my problem was solved using BEDtools.
Are you sure? It certainly should be. Email
with an example, and I'd be glad to help debug your problem.Thanks! According to the BEDtools manual the coverage is calculated as the number of positions of the reference sequences (in my case exons) covered by the elements included in a second file (in my case mRNAseq alignment.bam). But if a position of the exon is covered by two reads this is not taken into account (see figure in pg. 60 of BEDtools manual) and this issue is really important if we want to know the level of expression calculating the total coverage/bp of each exon. I have sent an example to the email address you indicated me. Thanks a lot for your help!