How to import clustalw output(.aln file) to R? My sequences are in fasta format.I used the following code
> library(seqinr)
> myseqs <- read.alignment("seqs.fasta", format = "fasta")
I got an error like this
Error in read.alignment("seqs.fasta", format = "fasta") :
File seqs.fasta is not readable
I am using windows7 operating system. How to save clustalw output in windows and how can I import this aligned file in to R?
You need to clarify this question, as pointed out in the answer from pasta. If you want to import .aln, why are you trying to read .fasta?
also are the R script and the input file in the same working directory? else try putting the complete path to the input file
@neilfws what clarification you need?