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6.5 years ago
What are the best long reads aligners? I have dna sequencing data generated by minion. Which aligners should I use, I need to detect SNPs and indels downstream
I used Minimap2 to align my minion reads to a reference genome. I then tried to sort it using picard but I got an error. Why there is no sequence for this read? $ java -jar /Users/tarekmagdyshehatamohamed/miniconda3/envs/bioinfo/share/picard-2.17.0-0/picard.jar SortSam I=BC01_minimap.sam O=BC01_aln_sorted.bam SORT_ORDER=coordinate
Here is the complete error message
That read (flag 272) is not a primary alignment, therefore the sequence is not reported (twice).
Just use samtools for sorting, and you can do it simultaneously with alignment and avoid intermediate files:
In my example I used 8 threads for alignment and sorting, which you'll have to adapt for your system.
I am trying to call SNPs and indels, but all the tools I found are compatible with bam files generated with specific aligners. Is there a universal SNP caller that an work with minimap2. I do not want to use nanopolish since it works only with fast5 files. I am currently testing nanosv, is there any other suggestions?
@WouterDeCoster Sorry if this sounds silly, second command "samtools sort -@8 -o youralignment.bam" doesn't seem to work. It instead says samtools sort [options] <in.bam> <out.prefix>, whereas I have input file in .sam format. I have also tried with "minimap2 -ax map-ont -L -t 8". Is there something I missed/misunderstood? Thanks!
Make sure you have a reasonably recent version of samtools. It seems you have an older version, which does not support the syntax I described above.