Hi, all
I want to identify prognostic genes by survival analysis in TCGA BRCA dataset. Here I basicly followed the way of a previous study (https://peerj.com/articles/1499/). My plan is to analyze gene one by one and pick genes with significantly cox pvalue (p<0.05).
The survival model is below (using survival package in R)
coxmodel <- coxph(Surv(time,censor) ~ exprs)
summary.coxmodel <- summary(coxmodel)
coef <- coef(summary.coxmodel)[1]
coef.pvalue <- coef(summary.coxmodel)[5]
Here time is survival time. Censor is died or not died. exprs is gene expression value (RNA-seq data, RPKM value).
Then I want to display some of genes with significant cox pvalue by Kaplan plot. Basicly I fellowed post by Kevin (cox proportional hazard model, by the way, Kevin. I hope you can see this post and give me some precious suggestions). I use median of gene expression as cutoff to divide samples into two groups (group with high exprs and low exprs).
The plot give me a Logrank p-value, which is always much bigger than cox pvalue (usually 100 times, I try several genes).
My question is how I can get perfect plot to fit my cox pvalue? or I only have to try several cutoff to get best fitting plot?
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Thanks, I will try it next time.
Your worry appears to be that the P values are just very different - is this correct? Are your sample numbers low in either of your groups being compared (or imbalanced?)?
Hi Kevin, Nice to see you again
Here, I have two groups of genes. I want to check the number of prognostic genes in group A and B (prognostic genes are defined as cox-pvalue<=0.05). Actually the percentage of prognostic genes in group A is higher than B (12% vs 6% in BRCA dataset).
This is an overview of data. Next I want to display some of genes by Kaplan plot and find above problem. Since I am just a newbie to survival analysis, I don`t know how to deal with it.
Can I say a gene is a prognostic genes even if Logrank p-value is not significant but cox-pvalue is signifcant?
By the way, Kevin. Could you please check my other two posts (C: question about identifying differential expressed genes in TCGA and https://www.biostars.org/p/327841/) and give me some suggestions? Your suggestions are very important to me.
Thanks, Kevin. I will check the post. Thank you again.