In this question I'm just asking for a really rough guestimate to check some analysis I am running.
If you had a chromsome that contained about 11000 exons and 600,000 SNPs, how many of those SNPs would you expect to fall in an exon.
I only found 124 in exons
Any logic you use to make your guess would be useful to know
Many thanks
although this is a very simple way of calculating the raw expected amount of SNPs on a region, it does not consider many factors that can modify the resulting figures. among others, exons are less prone to variability, so the SNP ratio depending only on their base length should be less than intronic regions, and even less than intergenic regions. for that reason I would say that the figure you are considering (124 versus 175) is definitely consistent.
brilliant, this predicted 175 and I got 124.
good point. it only holds for randomly distributed snps. see @Eric's comment to @Istvan's answer as well.