Also, now I am annotating my CNV events with DGV database using annovar tool.
First I tried, this command "$ -regionanno -build hg19 -out ex1 -dbtype dgvMerged example/ex1.avinput humandb/". All my 500 cnv events got annotated.
Do I need to increase the minimum overlap fraction ?
Does it mean all my CNV events are common in the population?
I was able to follow this approach and get the annotations for the CNVs. Essentially, I got the genes which are overlapping with CNVs and then I assigned the status (Amp/Del/Neutral) to each gene according to CNV status. However, this is a mere overlap approach and what is your opinion on directly using this (Amp/Del) status in visualization tools like maftools? I know that there are tools like GISTIC can be run - but our data is non-human and GISTIC and many other standard tools may not work.
CNV annotation can be easily automated (with OMIM, DGV, 1000g, haploinsufficiency, TAD, ... and also with your own in-house information)!
You can look at this post describing the annotSV tool: Annotation for SV and CNV