I want to download the complete version of Brachypodium distachyon genome. How I can do that?
I want to download the complete version of Brachypodium distachyon genome. How I can do that?
A second possibitlity would be to read the paper on Brachypodium genome sequencing, published in Nature. Down at the bottom of the paper, the authors say that the whole genome sequence has been deposited in DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank, and they provide an accession number (ADDN01000000) which you can use for retrieval at one of those databases.
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Hi Avilella, Thanks for your help. I am very new in the filed perhaps my question is stupid! I mapped the sequence against this genome but i dont have genomic coordination information of sequence. I have just scalfold name. how can i know if the read seq are mapped in intron or in exon?
another question: in the link you send to me, there are zip file also for each chromosome , what is the difefrences between toplevel and others? thanks