Greeting and Salutation to everybody, I am involved in a project on fish and we are going to do pool whole genome sequencing but I don't know how many samples we can pool together. That should be 10, 12 or for example we can pool 30 samples for each group that we have? Actually what is the relationship between number of samples on each pool and the coverage yield? I am looking forward to hear your suggestions. Sincerely,
For example each of my experimental groups totally have included by 30 fishes, and we are not going to do WGS individually, first we want to prepare 3 pool samples (each pool includes 10 fish in it with the same amount of input DNA from each fish) and then go for digestion and library preparation. Actually I want to know how we can understand how many samples we can consider in each pool? are there any rule? for example if first I want to mix all 30 samples (One pool sample) what will happen? Are there some problems with depth of coverage? The sequencing will be done on Illumina-Next Seq.
Are these fish of the same species? You would not be able to distinguish between those 30 fish since they would all get a single Illumina index. So you can't say anything about coverage among individuals. Just coverage as a pool (if they are all the same species) against a reference.
If you need to distinguish each fish the DNA comes from then either you will need to use UMI's or make each fish library independently before you pool the finished libraries for run.
Yes, all of them are one species