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6.3 years ago
Hi everyone,
I need a bioinofrmatic tool that can predict the effects of deletions and insertions
Hi everyone,
I need a bioinofrmatic tool that can predict the effects of deletions and insertions
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Please edit your post and elaborate.
What input data do you have? What kinds of effects are you looking for - presumably structural impacts on protein structure?
This is not a simple task.
I have an indel in an exonic region of a gene and I need to know if this mutation has effect on the protient when it is in a heterozygous form.
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when responding to existing posts to keep threads logically organized.Does the protein have a resolved structure?
Has your INDEL resulted in a frame-shift?
it has a non frame shift mutation.
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when responding to existing posts to keep threads logically organized. Ideally edit your original post and add all this relevant information in it.SUBMIT ANSWER
should only be used for new answers to original question.You may be looking for snpEff.
Plus SNPEff, vcfanno, GATK VariantAnnotator
A: Annotate A Vcf File