The alignment with the whole human genome and my data, the sam files are genertaed but when I tried to use the samtools for conversion sam to bam facing problem of header. with the reference sequence also am not able to do it.
Any other way to do it?
[sam_header_line_parse] expected '@XY', got [@A00306:15:H3WG3DMXX:1:1101:14705:1000 2:N:0:TAGCTTAT]
Hint: The header tags must be tab-separated.
[sam_header_read2] 0 sequences loaded.
[samopen] no @SQ lines in the header.
[main_samview] random alignment retrieval only works for indexed BAM files.
I've changed your post type to a question. Tools are for promoting new pieces of software etc, not for questions regarding tools.
Can you post the command you are using to convert sam to bam? Typical command would be:
samtools view -S -bh sample.sam > sample.bam
to the above command suggested
Please use the formatting bar (especially the
option) to present your post better. I've done it for you this time.Also it isn't necessary to answer to each post with the same content. Everyone who already posted here is informed about new messages.
Thank you!
fin swimmer