STAR manual recommends to exclude haplotypes and patches from reference genome while keeping unplaced scaffolds when aligning RNA-seq reads. Is the same recommended for aligning ChIP-seq reads with Bowtie2? Do Bowtie2 index take that into account?
Also, does Bowtie2 work with UCSC or ensembl genome? Ask cause we shouldn't 'mix' UCSC genome and ensembl genome references and as I did RNA-seq with ensembl and want to eventually compare results with ChIP-seq...
So, just have to make sure chr names output on Sam files by Bowtie2 are in the same format as those of RNA-seq analysis I did, and if not, just changing the chromosome names is ok?
Noticed now that there's a command that generates bowtie2 index from genome reference: bowtie2-build. then don't get the chromosome format problem.