I have been given .BAM files that were generated a while back (4 years ago) and were tasked with unmapping & remapping the reads.
I attempted my usual approach of extracting paired-end reads from .BAM using bedtools' bamToFastq which generated two empty fastq files. I went ahead and attempted to use other available tools (samtools, Picard). With samtools' bam2fq, I was able to extract all of the reads into a single fastq file. However, I noticed that header information of the reads were missing labels that differentiates forward from reverse reads (e.g. /1, /2).
Below is what one of the lines in .BAM file looks like before I attempt to unmap the reads:
And below is one of the reads from unmapped reads using samtools:
From what I was able to gather, the current unmapped reads contain following information in the header:
Run ID: Every TS analysis gets a run ID, a 5-character string consisting of upper case letters and numbers, assigned. A reanalysis of a specific run will get a different run ID assigned. Example: 0JU8V.
SAM record (read) names: Read names are a combination of the run ID and the chip coordinates of the well that produced the read. The coordinate values are 5-digit numbers and are given in the order row and the column, separated by a colon. Example: 0JU8V:01308:00107.
However, they seem to be missing read group ID, defined as:
Read Group ID: For non-barcoded runs the read group ID is equal to the run ID. For barcoded runs it is a combination of the run ID and the barcode name, separated by a dot. Example: 0JU8V.IonXpress_001
I assumed that I should be able to determine which read belongs to one of the two paired-end read fastq files by looking at the read group ID, but the .BAM file has more than 2 read groups (95 if I counted correctly).
ZFXSC.IonXpress_008.[1,..., 29, 1A,..., 1Z, 2A,..., 2M, A,..., X ].
I attempted using samtools view -c -f 1 on the .BAM file and noticed that it returned 0, which I believe means that the .BAM file was generated from single-end reads.
However, I was told by the person that have given me the .BAM files that he/she believe .BAM files to be generated using paired-end reads. Is there anything else I could do to figure out what exactly is going on here?
Most commonly Ion Torrent reads are single-end. What is the output of:
Hi h.mon,
For 1st command line prompt:
It looks like the distribution between 0 and 16 bitwise flags are roughly even with some unmapped reads (4). Can I say now that the reads are paired-end based on 0 and 16 (reverse complement)?
For 2nd command line prompt:
I didn't see any information regarding the aligner and the command used to perform the alignment, but I believe .BAM file was generated using tmap.
Thank you.