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6.5 years ago
Hi all, as title says, I have been reading on gene expression and microarrays and I am wondering if all the probesets on the microarray cover all the genes? For example, does the Affymetrix Human Gene ST arrays cover all human genes?
If you aim to detect something new, you can not do that using microarray since it is array (probe) based technology. Even if, you know the sequence and design a probe to capture the sequence, it is not guarantee that you will detect it due to very low and high expression of the sequence. Microarray was replaced by RNA-seq which has more advantages than microarray.
Thanks for the reply. Does that mean that microarrays are limited by genes that are known? Do they do a good job of probing for all of these known genes?
Yes, they design probe for all known genes. But there are limitation of detection as i said before. You can read that paper where they compare microarray to RNA-seq.
The latest microarray releases are comprehensive, though, and target the majority of the >200,000 transcripts (inclding their isoforms) identified by the ENCODE project. Not just that, microarray releases also target annotation listed in other projects, such as VEGA genes. Further information: Micro array VS RNA seq