Hi, I have a question, how can I cluster the exome sequencing data to non-synonymy and synonymy and so on? I can not find perl scrip in the internet. But someone tells me that there are many.
Hi, I have a question, how can I cluster the exome sequencing data to non-synonymy and synonymy and so on? I can not find perl scrip in the internet. But someone tells me that there are many.
I don't know what you mean by 'clustering' but you might want to look at the Variant Effect Predictor from Ensembl:
Did you get it installed okay? When I was using it, I was using pombe and had to create my own genome, then the command I had to run was kind of long, something like:
java -jar /path/to/snpEff.jar -config /path/to/snpEff.config -no-downstream -no-upstream pombe_Oct2010 data.vcf > snpeff.txt
Are you getting any specific errors?
I use annovar when I do mouse exome sequencing.
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What I want to do is just annotation the mutations in batches. Someone tells me that there are many perl script, but I did not find any. Because I am new, I am not familiar with many website.