Can someone explain me in a little more detail these gff3 annotations?
NW_020229148.1 Gnomon exon 23509 23858 . - . ID=id836183;Parent=id836181;Dbxref=GeneID:112582887;gbkey=V_segment;gene=LOC112582887;model_evidence=Supporting evidence includes similarity to: 83%25 coverage of the annotated genomic feature by RNAseq alignments%2C including 22 samples with support for all annotated introns;standard_name=T cell receptor alpha variable 8-3-like
NW_020229148.1 Gnomon CDS 23989 24034 . - 0 ID=cds58507;Parent=id836181;Dbxref=GeneID:112582887;exception=rearrangement required for product;gbkey=CDS;gene=LOC112582887;product=T cell receptor alpha variable 8-3-like
NW_020229148.1 Gnomon CDS 23509 23858 . - 2 ID=cds58507;Parent=id836181;Dbxref=GeneID:112582887;exception=rearrangement required for product;gbkey=CDS;gene=LOC112582887;product=T cell receptor alpha variable 8-3-like
I have read about them here:http://biomirror.aarnet.edu.au/biomirror/ncbigenomes/README_GFF3.txt
It is not very clear to me what is V_segment and what exactly does 'rearrangement required for product' mean? They don't seem to be an important feature? Or the NCBI annotation pipeline could not find suitable annotation?
Thanks a lot h.mon..