Hi All,
I tried to download some BS-Seq data from McGill Epigenomics Mapping Centre ([Here Database Link][1])
I have a little assumption about the BS-Seq wig/bigwig files in http://epigenomesportal.ca/edcc/ database.
KNIH wig file is 0-10 scale, DEEP/CEEHRC wig files are 0-100 scale while blueprint and Roadmap are 0-1 scale. Anyone met this problem before?
It looks these wig file are coverage not methylation signal. the scale actually represent the sequence depth.
I wanted to use transcriptome and epigenome data from IHEC and also ran into the problem of different data formats depending on the publishing group, where it's often not even stated what the values in specific columns are supposed to represent.
Where can I obtain the raw data?