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6.3 years ago
Hello, I want to do multiple sequences alingment in all files contained in a directory, all of them with .faa extension, I want to run the muscle software in a PBS script I don't know if the next command line is correct
#PBS -N muscle_core
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=16,mem=16gb,vmem=32gb,walltime=250:00:00
#PBS -q default
module load muscle/3.8.31
for file in $*.faa; do musle -in $file -out "${file}_aln.faa; done
My data are in /LUSTRE/user/username
The last line would be better as:
for file in *.faa ;
would be fine if you arecd
ing in to the directory itself.apart from the typo in muscle (not musle) it will do ok, though jrj.healey suggestion will make it more applicable
I assume this is the content of your job script? Problem with doing it this way is that
loop executes under a single PBS job (unless you do job arrays, an example here).Otherwise you would want to use something like this to submit multiple jobs at the same time.