I suppose my question is along the same veins of previous posts such as these:
download KEGG genes sequence in fasta format
Basically what I want to do is feed a list of KO numbers from kegg into a program, and get the resulting amino acid or nucleotide fastas from each of these KO numbers.
Based on what I've already read, I need to be using KEGGREST.
However, I'm having some trouble deciphering the syntax.
This is the usage provided for me via keggget on the API manual:
keggGet(dbentries, option = c("aaseq", "ntseq", "mol", "kcf", "image", "kgml"))
and this is an example they show:
res <- keggGet(c("hsa:10458", "ece:Z5100"), "aaseq") ## retrieves amino
## acid sequences of a human gene and an
## E.coli O157 gene
my question is: how do I decipher this? Am I to assume that I can enter a KO number in place of the aca or hsa numbers shown above?
sorry for the potentially basic question.