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6.4 years ago
hello, im going to use hisat2 instead of tophat2.
but, i cant solve "
(ERR): hisat2-align exited with value 1
Error: Encountered internal HISAT2 exception (#1)
/home/gdl/RNAseqA_2/BIN/hisat2-2.1.0/hisat --tmo -p 14 --summary-file -rg-id name /home/gdl/RNAseqA_2/BIN//hg19/genome --known-splicesite-infile /home/gdl/RNAseqA_2/BIN/hg19/Annotation.txt -1 /home/gdl/RNAseqA_2/Ground/1_Control_1_val_1.fq,gz -2 /home/gdl/RNAseqA_2/BIN/Ground/1_Control_2_val_2.fq.gz -S Control_1 | samtools view -bS -> Control_1.hisat.bam
what is the problem?
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