Here is a full working version of CIRI-full v2.0 using
- BWA stored at /Programs/bwa-0.7.12/
- CIRI-full v2.0 downloaded from
- Ubuntu 16.04
- java version "1.8.0_161" (Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build
1.8.0_161-b12); Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.161-b12, mixed mode))
- Perl 5 version 22, subversion 1 (v5.22.1) (built for
x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi (with 69 registered patches, see perl
-V for more detail))
NOTE: Input test reads have the same length.
NOTE: the paths to CIRI programs in the program manual are incorrect
cd CIRI-full_v2.0/CIRI-full_test/
mkdir test_output
/Programs/bwa-0.7.12/bwa index test_ref.fa
/Programs/bwa-0.7.12/bwa mem -T 19 test_ref.fa test_1.fq.gz test_2.fq.gz > test_output/test.sam
perl ../bin/CIRI_v2.0.6/ -I test_output/test.sam -O test_output/test.ciri -F test_ref.fa -A test_anno.gtf
Candidate reads with splicing signals: 2994
Candidate reads with PEM signals: 2994
Candidate circRNAs found: 88
Number of circular RNAs found: 88
[Sun Aug 19 11:03:13 2018] CIRI finished its work. Please see output file test_output/test.ciri for detail.
perl ../bin/CIRI_AS_v1.2/ -S test_output/test.sam -C test_output/test.ciri -F test_ref.fa -A test_anno.gtf -O test_output/test -D yes
Loading circRNAs from test_output/test.ciri...
88 circRNAs are loaded.
Clustering circRNAs according to their locations...
[------------------------------------------------->] 100.0 %
88 circRNAs are divided into 22 clusters.
Scanning SAM file for splicing detection within circRNAs...
[------------------------------------------------->] 100.0 %
5493 candidate splice junctions within circRNAs from 2954 reads are recognized, of which 5493 are from known BSJ reads.
Splicing signals checking starts...
[------------------------------------------------->] 100.0 %
5461 candidate splice junctions have splicing signals.
Clustering starts...
In sum, 139 non-redundant splice junctions within circRNAs are detected.
Cirexon prediction according to splice junctions and sequencing depths...
[------------------------------------------------->] 100.0 %
Time Usage:
java -jar ../CIRI-full.jar RO1 -1 test_1.fq.gz -2 test_2.fq.gz -o test_output/test
/Programs/bwa-0.7.12/bwa mem -T 19 test_ref.fa test_output/test_ro1.fq > test_output/test_ro1.sam
java -jar ../CIRI-full.jar RO2 -r test_ref.fa -s test_output/test_ro1.sam -l 250 -o test_output/test
Full_length merged RO reads number= 86
Only contain 5'RO merged RO reads number= 49
see detail in file: /home/kblighe/Escritorio/CIRI-full_v2.0/CIRI-full_test/test_output/test_ro2_info.list
java -jar ../CIRI-full.jar Merge -c test_output/test.ciri -as test_output/test_jav.list -ro test_output/test_ro2_info.list -a test_anno.gtf -r test_ref.fa -o test_output/test
Loading Annotation...
Annotation Loaded
Loading CIRI_AS output...
CIRI_AS output Loaded
Loading CIRI output...
CIRI output Loaded
Loading CIRI_RO output...
CIRI_RO output Loaded
Combine AS and RO output
Combine completed, 135 reads are used
Outputing detail annotation file : /home/kblighe/Escritorio/CIRI-full_v2.0/CIRI-full_test/test_output/test_merge_circRNA_detail.anno
Merge complete. Start reconstruction.
Time: 0s
java -jar ../CIRI-vis.jar -i test_output/test_merge_circRNA_detail.anno -l ../CIRI-vis_test/test_library_length.list -r test_ref.fa -min 1
>stout_82#chr1:3251039|3290753 length=420 12/205 +
>stout_82#chr1:3251039|3290753 length=519 10/205 +
>stout_83#chr1:3302871|3341317 length=479 53/72 +
>stout_83#chr1:3302871|3341317 length=637 18/72 +
>stout_85#chr1:3251039|3277912 length=306 4/5 +
>stout_86#chr1:2502478|2519276 length=523 21/21 +
chr1 Completed
Take time: 146s
Please use a more informative title. Adding that you are getting an error with
program in the title would make it more relevant.The answer is given on the SourceForge page:
So, the options:
BWA mem
without any trimmingBWA mem
Thank You @Kevin Bighe, I am following this procedure now...