Hello, I have a question about VCFtools
I have a vcf file with the usual 9 columns in addition to phased data of several samples. The phased data is in this format: GT:DS:GP (e.g., 0|0:0:1,0,0). I would like to get the original vcf file but only with the GT genotypes (0|0).
With the VCFtools (v0.1.14) command "--extract-FORMAT-info GT" I get the GT genotypes but only CHROM and POS columns.
If someone knows how to do this with this or another software it would be very helpful. Thank you
@ cpad0112 you should move it to an answer.
And this time I can show you how to do this (a bit) shorter :) :
From the manual:
You had me there @ finswimmer ...but let me shorten it further:
btw, thanks for the bcftools trick/tip. finswimmer