Hey All, I am working on the DNA assembly of the wheat genome. I used the W2rap assembler, the assembly is done. But I dont know how to determine if my assembly is good or Not? I mean which criteria I should follow? Thanks in advance Mustafa
Hey All, I am working on the DNA assembly of the wheat genome. I used the W2rap assembler, the assembly is done. But I dont know how to determine if my assembly is good or Not? I mean which criteria I should follow? Thanks in advance Mustafa
You might want to look into the latest Quast 5.0 which includes their new LG (large genome) module that you can combine with alignment against the public reference. @h.mon the St. Petersburg folks behind Spades and Quast etc. seem to have moved to a new website http://cab.spbu.ru/
New method, Assessing genome assembly quality using the LTR Assembly Index (LAI), Nucleic Acids Research
Maybe you can compare that with the wheat ref from EMBL (ftp://ftp.ensemblgenomes.org/pub/plants/release-40/fasta/triticum_aestivum/dna/) ?
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Thank you so much guys for your help. Mustafa
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Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help guys. Mustafa