I would like to conduct an enrichment analysis between two lists using GeneOverlap package in R. I am comparing gene IDs from each list, and there is no NAs in there.
This is the code I'm using:
go.obj <- newGeneOverlap(listA$ID,listB$ID)
go.obj <- testGeneOverlap(go.obj)
print(go.obj) #Fisher's exact test
Detailed information about this GeneOverlap object:
listA size=2765, e.g. 56163 60385 79882
listB size=9204, e.g. 9604 55585 56163
Intersection size=2765, e.g. 56163 60385 79882
Union size=9204, e.g. 56163 60385 79882
Genome size=23000
# Contingency Table:
notA inA
notB 13796 0
inB 6439 2765
Overlapping p-value=0e+00
Odds ratio=Inf
Overlap tested using Fisher's exact test (alternative=greater)
Jaccard Index=0.3
I need help to understand the resulting p-value (=0) and odds ratio (=Inf). Is this as a result of something wrong in my input data? or does those results have a meaningful statistical interpretation?