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6.4 years ago
I have a question about investigating insecticide ( Neonicoitnoids) resistance mechanism. We have populations of insects that are resistant and susceptible to insecticide, and we are interested to find out about the mechanism behind it. Any recommendation that how we can do it?
Looking forward to hearing your ideas.
We've done (and so have many others), similar studies with bacteria. The main issue here is really going to be cost. We threw the kitchen sink at our studies, but we can get away with much less sequencing for small genomes, but when you add up the genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics we did, you're still talking several thousand pounds...
Thank you for your comment, but the problem is that the insect genome has not sequenced yet.
That’s not the problem then, that’s one of the tasks that needs to be first on the list. That kind of information should probably have been in your post.