My lab ordered paired end sequencing, and we received a reported coverage of 30 million reads per sample.
Just to confirm - this means that there are 30 million reads across both directions? So, 15 mil per end in the paired end, so after alignment with TopHat2/counting with htseq-count, I should expect there to be about 15 million reads (i.e., read-pairs) for each sample?
Or should I expect to see 30 million reads, representing 30 million pairs/60 million total ends?
Thank you for the sanity check!
Coverage usually has a different meaning.
Oh, excuse me! I meant that the total number of sequence reads = 30 million. It was unclear from the sequencing company if this meant 30 mil per direction, or 30 mil altogether.
It's a really important question to ask up front when you get contract sequencing done. "Is that reads, or read pairs?" - as obviously the latter is half the former.
It's most likely 15M per end, which is on the low end. As reads can be of varying lengths, I prefer to measure and be quoted by
of bases.