I have gone through the deseq2 paper where it tells that its not a simple logfold change of numerator by denominator ,its shrunken LFC which it calculates the maths behind it kind of im trying to understand in simple manner or layman term as i have to give some explanation why rna seq and RTqpcr are not similar...
I have 4 control and 4 test sample respectively all the counts are normalized used deseq2 default
gene baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj nH4 nH3 nH2 nH1 C4 C3 C2 C1
ENSG00000112773.13 1156.5575015292 2.52671958320643 0.330914786026763 7.63555963619613 2.25E-14 5.31E-12 326.344363070055 316.430980291062 369.993520743799 241.523773415627 1626.54796885324 3322.42939303791 1321.51219870859 1727.67781411328
so how come the log2foldchange or logfoldchange is low.?even though there is a big difference between my sample labelled as H vs C which are stem cells and C's are progenitor cells ?
Another data point ,i have used lfcMLE for logfold change which says "“unshrunken” log2 fold changes (for a simple comparison, the ratio of the mean normalized counts in the two groups"
gene baseMean log2FoldChange lfcMLE lfcSE stat pvalue padj SO_7660_BR_02 SO_7660_BR_03 SO_7660_BR_04 SO_7660_BR_06 797.414 2.972936 3.976479 0.1360428 21.85294 7.288395e-106 1.204553e-101 113.6162 75.41853 1320.512 1680.109
log2foldchange = 2.972936
lfcMLE = 3.976479
there is difference log2foldchange and lfcMLE somehow its still less as compared to qPCR ...
"discordance with your qPCR data, without at least knowing what the fold-change was it's impossible for us to judge how actually different the two values are" with respect to this as the qPCR shows around 50 fold which is actually not done by me as part of data im handling so it seems there is a bit big "discordance" , may be you can suggest something ,
and is it like in the in vivo data there tend to be less drastic changes as compared to cell line data..as in cell line data it looks very much close to qPCR data but not with the mouse data
Cell lines are going to be pretty homogenous, actual animals less so. So especially if you used a bunch of littermates or something like that for the RNA-seq then the fold-change would be artificially lower there. Having said that, a 50x change is pretty much "absurdly high" unless a gene is lowly expressed.
i would post my code that might help if there is something im doing wrong i will update it...if at all in the code there is an issue
@Devon this is what i use for my deseq2 analysis do have a look and if there is any issue with the code it would be of great help for me to know
updated my question with one more observation